This page is for parents, carers and anyone with parental responsibility including children’s relatives, friends and neighbours who need information or advice. It will help you to keep children and young people safe by providing you with information including sharing tips and ideas.
Arch Teesside, rape and sexual abuse counselling
01642 822331
0800 1111
Cleveland Police
101 (non-emergency)
EVA Women’s Aid
01642 490667
Harbour Support Services
0300 303 3781
Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind
01642 257020
Middlesbrough Family Information Service
01642 354200
Missing people helpline
116 000
My Sisters Place
01642 241864
NSPCC (24 hours)
0808 800 5000
Redcar and Cleveland Family Information Service
01642 444532
Redcar and Cleveland Mind
01642 296052
116 123
Victim Support
0303 040 1099
Young Minds helpline for parents
0808 802 5544